Monday, November 29, 2010

Change of Plans

Ok, I lied. Well, it wasn't intentional. I did not go away this last weekend. I was all ready to, and then the night before I decided not to. And i do not regret my decision. i was feeling really tired, not just physically, but more on the just feeling drained side of things. I have discovered, as i am sure many of you have, that going on trips is a lot of fun, but sometimes you feel even more tired after than before you left. This was my concern. So I stayed home, watched movies, ate a good thanksgiving meal, and unpacked more of my stuff.

I ate Thanksgiving dinner over at the hospitality house, which is a part of Cadence ministries. Cadenec is on a number of military bases worldwide, and i think the best way to describe it is that it is like Club beyond for adults. They meet every week on friday night and do some worship, have a speaker, and spend time in fellowship. They get together throughout the week for different events and outings, and basically are a relational ministry just like we at Club are. Brian and Aimee Kleager run it, and they do an amazing job.

Great football weekend, as Michigan State wrapped up a share of the Big 10 title. That hasn't happened in twenty years, so I am pretty pumped about that. Having no tv is making things difficult, but i find places to go to see the games i really need to see.

Speaking of no tv, i think the electronics in germany hate me. I have had problems with my phone, w/ my home internet, w/ the governement computer, my camera, and now my laptop is broken. I think I have to send it in to be fixed. I have a warranty and all that good stuff, it's just a nuisance, so no home computer anymore. i would send it in today, but it snowed here and the post shut down really early. it feels like i am the only one still in my office doing work on the entire post. There is no way of knowing that obviosuly, but i am the only one at the chapel. It's a good bit of snow, maybe 6 inches over the last 24 hours. A pet peeve of mine is when people say things like "I am from (wherever) and this (whatever it may be) is nothing compared to that." But I am going to go ahead and do that anyway. I don't think Grand Rapids ever shut down w/ snow like this. Just saying.

On a grammatical note, I do not spell check these posts or go back and fix things. My major issue I see is capitalization. I have decided my issue is that I take my finger off of the shift key too quickly, and therefore words like I often end up like i. just want you to know I am aware of it, i do know how it should be, and no I don't care. (see even there, the second I used in that sentence ended up lower cased and the first word in the sentence lower cased).

Ok, I am going home. If no one else on this post is working, i shouldn't be either (especially since my boss is in the US for 10 days). 7 hours on what for a lot of people was a snow day is plenty. Tomorrow will now probably have to be more along the lines of 10 hours, but that's ok. tuesdays are usually at least 10, if not more, but there is no Club Beyond tomorrow, since out of the 5 adults who do it I am the only one in Germany. I am not doing a club with 60 students by myself. ok, for real, good bye.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that is funny that you mentioned your grammar because I have been mentally spell checking and editing everything you have posted...can't help it! It is the reader in me. Remember how you once told me that it is really distracting when you are reading a book and there are errors...
