Monday, November 22, 2010


This was from 2 weeks ago now, but on Veterans day, Sportscenter did a special episode from here in Grafenwoehr. Hannah Storm and Josh Elliot, 2 anchors, were here all day and they showed highlights, talked about the community, interviewed different people, etc. I was on tv a few times in the background. My Dad wrote me saying that he could see me, which was pretty cool to think about. One of my life goals was to be on Sportscenter, and while i was thinking of being more featured, being in the background is pretty cool also. I believe my parents did or are trying to make copies of the episodes, so if you see them, ask them about that. There some great segments that explained the post here and what goes on. I even learned some new things about what goes on here everyday. Some of my students were featured for different things, some got to play in the band, others were preforming at different areas during the festivities, so it was a great contact work day, going around and seeing everyone i knew. I was pleasantly surprised that almost everywhere I went I saw people I knew. pretty cool day overall. So I thought that was definitely worthy of being the CHOW.

1 comment:

  1. Saw you twice on SportsCenter - very cool. Learned a lot about the base too.
