Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm back

I didn't realize it had been so long since I wrote. Sorry about that. I guess I have a lot to fill people in on. Sooooo, ummmmm. Yeah. Life has been good. Let's see, a few days ago I went to Munich. It was really cool. I went with Storey and Laura, two Club workers from nearby Hohenfels and Bamberg, and Philip, a friend of Storey's. Munich is a really cool city. It's big, so obviously I didn't see that much of it in one day, but what I saw I liked. There was a big Christmas market, which is a German tradition during the holidays. They set up booths and sell all sorts of different things, and lots of food. My goal when I go to one is to just eat my way around the market. German food agrees with me. Brats are obviously delicious. And I love schnitzel. I could eat it all day.

Yesterday we had a middle school bowling day, set up by MWR (Morale welfare and recreation). Good outing. I bowled a 118 bowling granny style. Not too shabby. Oh yea, it was a good day with the students as well.

My life right now is geared toward Winter Blitz, our camp and ski trip coming up in a few days. I am extremely excited to go, and not just because it will mean I am done preparing for it. We have 26 students going from our community, and we will meet about 300 more from around Europe. Prayers are greatly appreciated as we go: please pray for safety with traveling, skiing, snowboarding and sledding, relationship building between the staff and the students, and most importantly for the students relationships with God. A lot of them do not have any relationship with Him yet and will be hearing the gospel for possibly the first time. This is a fantastic ministry opportunity with the potential to change lives. Please pray for our speaker and the leaders during small group discussion time that God will give us the words to say.

As an added bonus to paperwork preparing for this trip, my car has decided to break down. Add that to the long list of other things that have broken on me in the last month and it's getting a tad ridiculous. German stuff just doesn't like me. Except Schnitzel.

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