Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brief hello

Hi. Just a brief note this evening. Thursdays are generally my day off, but not today. We had a dessert banquet put on by the Club Beyond Booster Club here on post to raise some money for the teens and the upcoming trips. It went well, had a decent turnout, made a little cash, ate lots of desserts, etc. I am pleased w/ how it went. Had some really good conversations with the teens who were ther to work the event, which was about 30 of them.

In other news, I signed the lease for a new place this morning. It is a duplex, and when I move in I will put pictures on the internet for all to see. I will start moving in on Monday, and then over the next week start to stay there permanently. It has been great staying where I am at right now, but it will be nice to have my own place and get settled.

Ok, I am exhausted and in desperate need of sleep. I will write again on Saturday, which will be my day off for the week.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a place of your own! Any news on a car? Praying for you!
