Thursday, October 21, 2010

They call me sir

Sorry for missing last week. I will post a couple this week to make up for it. One of the biggest things I need to get used to is being called "sir". I get called sir all the time, and it's really weird for me. To be honest, I don't really like it. When a kid calls me that, or the dreaded "Mr. Josiah", I let them know that w/ me that's not necessary. Most miliary kids are brought up to cal everyone sir and ma'am, which I think is really good, but I just don't really like it for me just yet. Also, there are a few younger kids of a chaplain that I have been getting to know pretty well, and they call me Mr. Walcott. That is extremely weird to me. I guess I am an adult and an authority figure here, just is different for me.

1 comment:

  1. wow! a lot of people dont like to be called "Mr. Walcott" it much like our parents and a little weird. I'm going to start calling you that :)
